Pushtuns are a unique nation mainly inhabiting the Western Frontier Regions of Pakistan, Eastern and Central Afghanistan, the Gulf States and sporadically spread over the entire globe from Central Asia to Europe, North America, Australia and Entire Asia. They are hard-working, innovative and an extremely dynamic nation having a natural ability to stand out in any religious, ethnic or cultural group. Historically they have been extremely proud of their identity and have always been admired for their love for independence and adherence to their cultural values. Over 50 million people around the globe speak Pushto. And yet it is the only language of its size that, despite the emerging trend of local media, did not have a television channel of its own. AVT Khyber filled that vacuum.
AVT Khyber is relentlessly working on Dramas and Programs depicting Pashto language and culture in its true spirit and especially in a manner which is bringing positive changes in Pushtun lives.
普什图人是一个独特的民族,主要居住在巴基斯坦,东部和中部阿富汗,海湾国家的西部边疆地区和零星散布在从中亚到欧洲,北美,澳洲和亚洲全体整个地球。他们是勤奋,创新,具有任何宗教,种族或文化群体中脱颖而出的自然能力,一个极具活力的国家。在历史上,他们一直非常自豪自己的身份,并一直钦佩他们的独立性和坚持自己的文化价值观的爱情。全球超过5000万人讲普什图语。但它是它的大小的唯一的语言,尽管本地媒体的新兴趋势,没有它自己的电视频道。 AVT开伯尔填补了真空。